win them over with tenderness
Women are crazy about the 'emo-boy " It is polite, helpful, gallant and, if know how to cry
WANTED affectionate man, good, helpful, romantic, ready to say I love you without bursting out laughing, that he remembers every little occasion by sending letters and flowers' passionate love, and why not, perhaps accompanied by a beautiful ring. Not allowed: men ready to run away with the problems, only macho muscles and no brains, metrosexual selfish, concerned only about clothes and appearance.
The man that all women want, at least what they want in these post-holiday months, is the emoboy! A study conducted by the University of Michigan, in fact, it was found that women looking for a nice partner and a faithful, reliable and understanding. The dark man, allergic to long-term relationships and a bit 'selfish boy then left the place all'emotional: tender, sweet and helpful, one that you never back, which is able to cry, to write poems and send them via Priority Mail (for him internet and email are only used to work), a guy who does everything possible to sense i desideri della propria partner e molte volte addirittura li anticipa!
Ma come si riconosce un tipo così e, soprattutto, come si riesce a fare breccia nel suo cuore tenero tenero? Innanzitutto è utile sapere con anticipo che si sta parlando di un ragazzo che ama molto il dialogo e l'autoanalisi, quindi alla prima uscita è possibile che il soggetto in questione srotoli tutta la sua vita in due ore: gli sbadigli sono banditi in quanto l'emoboy è molto permaloso. Consigliata invece la seguente frase "Ma tu cosa provi?": vi aprirà tutte le porte della sua anima in un secondo.
Inoltre è fondamentale spalleggiarlo, ricoprirlo di attenzioni e seguirlo sempre nelle sue scelte. Per riconoscere l'uomo tipo emotional and sentimental care must be taken to look (to him) a bit 'fake overlooked fact of vintage t-shirt, jeans and hair disheveled, and aged, to be sure that you are talking to him, study it well, the face must angelic being-adolescent, looking intense and not just bursting out the physical, the icon type is represented by Chris Martin and Tobey Maguire.
September 29, 2004
Jade Barbarani
Assuming Barbarani Miss Jade is a great whore, alas, the emo boy (or emoboia, as you prefer) has become 'fashionable' ..
I'm Sad, I Must Be Emo
Emoboia In my personal (and think you understand who you are): you're not cool off my Fetish Monthly