"Post" Examination (AHAHAH! Stop!) I survived a bad encounter with a dangerous example of "examination of Germanic philology," more commonly known as the beast.
To be honest I do not think of being out too well .... But the beast has certainly used the dirty tricks.
invective against the PROF
1) If there was one thing I knew was religion. Not requested.
2) I spent 5 days on the language because of the lessons still battered chestnuts su questo argomento. Domani la riguardava che c'era una cosa come curiosità dropping a lezione.
3) Grazie a või ho imparato a tradurre:
'll end up laughing Gu ∂ run and said: Are you at Gunnar ri ∂ i through the flaring fire? That I think at the exchange in bed with you gave me a gold ring, That, but the gold ring you have on hand and you engage sap, er hann kalla ∂ r Andvaranautr, ok ætlak at eigi thin Gunnarr have Gnitahei
And what helped me? To anything because you have not asked. (But I can say that I speak to her pussy the old Icelandic ...)
4) I read about four manuals that speak of the law and in particular Germanic Nibelung and Volsunga. And you can not ask me which is not a question and do not even have a verb.
"Matter-Volsunga Nibelungen."
Fuck. Being a bit 'more specific you think it sucks? You can not ask someone to exhaust that topic in 30 lines. THERE HAS BEEN WRITTEN ON THE TREATIES.
Especially after saying you can not ask at the beginning of the examination: "What I will judge the organization and especially the setting of the speech. Ah, you should not write the bad, because you have little time and I do not read things left in pencil. Think a bit 'and then write. "
... The next time
I write how I managed to break his collarbone falling off the chair watching television. (True story that I'm proud ^ _ ^)
Among other things I was prepared for this exam also reading a ff x Germany Rome ji-chan http://www.fanfiction.net/s/5592051/1/
Wife But if I have to suffer because you do not?
An elephant enters a bar and im asking what to drink. The bartender says, "We coche, water, sprite, schwepps ..." And the elephant: "And the maid?"
In the garden of the castle of Camelot was found an inscription of pee Snow "ARTHUR HORN" The king is furious
for this nonsense and asks Merlin to analyze the evidence and find the slanderer.
After two days the magician called him: "Sire, a member of the Lancelot-pee" "AH! I knew it! Others who could not be him! Also in Buginese-say "" Sire, wait. I have not finished. Piss and Lancelot ... but the handwriting is in Geneva. "
I'd have another one on Arthur, but I keep it aside for the next post. ^ __ ^