Oooooook, I'm alive and.... I'M IN JAPAAAAAAAAAAAAAAN!
Ok, this post is just something to prove that I exist in this world.
It's wonderful, (awfully hot mind you) but nonetheless marvelous.
The otaku within me squeals at every street corner. The sight of japanese schoolgirls (and even more, japanese ikemens...) gets the best out of me....
Oh, I already saw 43654862367 posters of NEWS, Yamapi, SMAP, Hey Say Jump and strangely not so many of Arashi...
I have a very important dilemma. I have to choose between the single plus dvd of Break Out by Tohoshinki, and the new SHINee album Lucifer.... My soul is torn by this...
My friend
Goodbye! I'll post photos the next time!
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