Everyone can speak Korean. It's a really simple and intuitive language. If you watch k-dramas you can quickly pick up the basic vocabulary.
This way you'll be able to order a portion of Kimchi in you favourite Korea (but the Northern one is not recommended).
Or you can talk on busses about other people without being understood.
Let's have an example:
You are on the bus with your friends. You and, let's say...
Suddenly, rides on the bus the exact copy of Izma (the Emperor's new Groove), an old lady covered in wrinkles and with light blue eyeshadow, not only on her eyes, but on her dark circles as well.
You and Pseuglam are trying with all your might not to break a rib by not laughing and Megha eyes you interrogatively because she can't see.
How can you make her understand?
This is how the scene should work out:
You: Mimashitaka? (Grr. Sometimes you cannot pick korean vocabulary fast enough)
Megha: Aniyo, Nugu?
You: Err... Ahjumma.
Pseuglam: Ahjumma, ahjumma G-Dragon.
By now Megha understands that the old lady was wearing abnormal clothes/make-up and you can all laugh together while the rest of the passengers and the ahjumma watches you with despise.
Also, we should make this guy and that Crocker Britney-stalker guy meet. They'll fall in love, have ugly fanbabies, and hopefully disappear from the internet.
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