Well, it's a bit 'I finished reading the tenth book in the series, death in the family, and True Blood will be released soon on the Italian Blog my review.
Meanwhile, what do you think of this book? To me, oddly, is not sorry for anything, even though it was pretty good half full of the usual distractions and useless facts like that Sookie is gardening & co.
However, I think the reason why I enjoyed this time is that Eric is very central, although his relationship with Sookie lacks the love-hate full of irony and digs which mark the first books that made them so ; fun. On the other hand, sooner or later it had to be until we have seen the couple's life Eric / Sookie, or not?
A little 'reflections on Eric and Sookie:
It 'hard to see, at this point, Eric the paper as the same character of the ERIC Trueblood. His story is too different from what we saw on the show. Appius is an ancient Roman, authoritarian and left with a remarkable inclination to pederasty, entirely different from Godric creator Eric in TB. It is a different relationship maker / child: tender and marked by mutual trust in TB, oppressive and morbid, based on the submission, in the book.
I, for myself, I see Eric as two separate entities, that have something in common. The Eric that we see in this book, however, Eric is a very different even from what was the beginning of the saga. His humor and his cheek still resist, but undoubtedly his relationship with Sookie has evolved: now, Sookie Eric considers his wife to all intents and purposes, having married by a vampire ritual in the previous book. Eric is affectionate and protective of Sookie. In an early scene, in bed with her, crying in confessing why could not save it from you (and I can not believe that Harris has not found inspiration in the famous scene of Carmilla). Will make him share in his life and the secrets of the vampires when Sookie, foolishly, would prefer to have sex rather than be indoctrinated on things for her vital as the policy of the organization of vampires and vampire realms of America. This involves, welcomes into her home and in his world, and is a mature Eric may have lost a bit 'of that mysterious and dangerous allure of the first books, but that certainly had its attractive route to understand and accept the his feelings, and now finally living them fully and strips.
Different speech for Sookie, who occasionally has some really unusual affectionate outbursts against Eric, but in general is more braking and can not quite see this report as final. Sometimes, I think that speaks in terms of Eric resignation / fatalism, the series "I am now randomly to have a relationship with this Viking vampire, but who knows, in two weeks I could be single again." Sookie is a woman hardened and made plenty of acid from the difficulties of life (and also by the editorial requirements of Harris, who apparently does not want to make her love Eric too obvious: you dragging their feet, and forcing readers to wonder who CHOOSE 'TO END Sookie?).
However, some step there. Happiness is when Sookie alongside Eric is tangible, though she continues to attribute in part to the blood bond, and also his concern for the welfare of her boyfriend / husband, and the sense of threat that has awakened Ocella in her.
In any case, my doubts on the character Sookie remained unchanged. I find it often odiosetta and selfish, and his demonstrations of affection for Eric not enough to make me like 100%, as not enough of the rare strokes of genius which occasionally allow her to get herself out of trouble and his friends.
Finally, we talk about the sex scenes?
Nothing particularly explicit, but it should be noted Harris's attempt to describe a blow-job Sookie to Eric, experiment, in my humble opinion, a bit 'style film Alvaro Vitali (Sookie unforgettable "It looks painful, want to try to alleviate it? "which inevitably evokes the image I dell'infiermierina porn).
But the rest is nothing new: I've always found the sex scenes of the Harris-to-earth and somewhat trivial, both in the narrative as the "facts". And very little vampire. Beginning with the much-vaunted shower scene in the fourth book, followed by that of Dead And Gone (yes, Sookie's the first time with the "real" Eric I was expecting something more, and not in the sense that I wanted a more athletic performance or thrust: I wanted something more intense, more emotional, and no, says that Sookie "give in" in my part is not emotional).
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