Kim Jaejoong, Kim Junsu and Park Yoochun sued SME for various reasons (some of these reasons were not that clear) and this brought the termination of the contract. I could have hoped for their activities in Japan under Avex but... yeah.
then, in all my masochistic glory, I find this:
Hangeng sued SME because he got health problems from the tight schedules (and that's a tiny bit understandable, but he's breaking Siwon's and Heechul's heart so FUCK.). Kibum wants to be an actor and Super Junior was "DISTRACTING" (GO ON AND STOMP ON DONGHAE'S AND YESUNG'S FEELINGS, WHY WON'T YOU?). Kangin has some negligible alcool problems and was suspended from suju activities for a year... I really hope ONLY13 fans are happy now....
Have you ever seen Scary Movie 3? The part where uncle George says to little Mary Sue Whatshername: "Everyone around you that you love is dying."?
I feel like every Kpop band I like is disbanding. I'm gonna listen to some Shinee song to prove my theory.
EDIT: On a brighter note SUJU K.R.Y. is performing a concert in Tokyo on the 1^ of August! Really hope I can get there...
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