I Placed an order on Yes Asia with my daughter
YEAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH POSTERS! (I Also Decided That Yunho and Yoochun are funny enough so I'm letting them show their faces^^)
Emy! There's still hope!! Our stuff will arrive! (apartfrommyjaejoongstickersandthe400daysphotobookdamnyesasiasometimesyousuck)
When I opened the poster my mum and older brother noticed and couldn't help but comment:
Mom:"How do you manage to distinguish them? They all look the same"
Marco:"The only different ones are this and this (Kyuhyun, the second one on the left and Ryeowook, the last on the right). Why you like almond eyes I will never understand"
Me:"But NOOO. How can't you see? There are Henry, Kyuhyun, Donghae, Shiwon-"
Marco:"What? Lei vuole? She wants?"
Yes, he DID say this joke. Unfortunately.
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