Sunday, January 30, 2011

Antisocial Personality Disorder Famous People

In this episode:

Rose is dying because of the bite of the werewolf. Helen looks after all day, but Rose begins to rave and attack. Stefan While trying to get in touch with Isobel and Damon threat to no avail the bad wolf wer Jules, if he sees ugly with Elena Rose, who escapes and kills two people. Damon and Elena back home.
Damon is forced to sleep soon after she impaled Rose. Elena hugs him, but Damon vents his despair with a reckless pass.

Jules I must say that I detest, Where's My Car because it is a first, second because it is a bitch who tries to hurt our vampirozzi and above because attempts to remove the possibility of poor Caroline to have a friend in this case Tyler, who in this episode comes forward and kisses her. I expect serious trouble, but if it is to take out Damon Jules, I'll be very happy. Also because she is anything but a saint: he slaughtered a group of picnickers without even realizing it, and then cold, even a policeman.


The scene of 'goodbye' dreamed between Damon and Rose is beautiful, poignant and delicate. I have not really loved Rose as a character and I always found with no charisma that should be a vampire than 560 years, and by the way, I never understood why Damon was born between her and to force something. Nevertheless, I found it very sad, yet serene in its own way, this scene, in which the dying asleep Damon Rose show, in the dream, the happy time when he was human, and then impaled.

ELENA's embrace.

It 's always Elena to take the first step, have you noticed? However, I noticed that Damon behind its apparent cynicism, was suffering.


's why I love Damon. because it gives us' foolish and reckless moments like this, while remaining in its own way a character fragile and insecure. In this case, shaken by the death of Rose, the embrace of Helen and the awareness of having human emotions tremendously but not to be true, it pours with a wretched, who could not tell him will NEVER 'TO ANYONE.

In practice, Damon admits that he misses his humanity.

But he does it before his next victim.

Here the scene subtitled:


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